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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: In the afternoon the sea was even calmer than in the morning and the weather absolutely brilliant but still there was a really cold wind, to remind us where we are sailing! And Iceland’s largest bay was really good visited by different species this afternoon. On our way out we spotted some Harbour Porpoises and two Minke Whales but then we saw a blow really far away. Heading straight towards this area we were really lucky again and found at least 4 Humpback Whales. They came close to the boat not more than 15m away, showed their tales and were logging to plan their next manoeuvre. On the way back there were a lot of Harbour Porpoises, hard to say how many of them but the whole Faxaflói Bay seemed to be full of them. Time by time as well some Minke Whales showed up on our way to Reykjavík after a great day with brilliant weather and a lot of Whales!!!


Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding: It was alot colder out in the bay today but still blue skies and beautiful snow capped scenery around us. The whales were alot closer today about half the distance to where we were going the last week or so. We saw a Humpback Whale which showed his/her lovely tail, a couple of Minke Whales surfacing many times and close to the boat too on the odd occasion and quite a few Harbour Porpoises. Fantastic morning ou tin Faxaflói Bay.