
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Thursday, 19 April 2012

Tour at 13:00

Again we started the tour in this brilliant spring weather and the bay seemed to be even calmer than in the morning. We sailed for a longer time until we spotted the first signs of life, which was a group of White Beaked Dolphins coming really close to the boat. But while we stayed with this pod of dolphins we already spotted a blow between some diving Gannets further out. When we came closer to this area we found at least two Humpback Whales that stayed really long with us and were not further than 10 meters away from the boat. But there were many other big blows further out so there must been even more Humpbacks around. But the best was that we did not only have two Humpback Whales in one spot, first the Dolphins came to the same area and then a Minke Whale surfaced between the Humpbacks but this was not all there were even Harbour Porpoises around the boat!!! Unbelievable we stayed in one spot with nearly all species we can encounter in Faxaflói Bay!!!! And this all happened with the beautiful landscape as a stage. A magic moment in the fantastic Faxaflói Bay, again!!!!


Tour at 9:00

We sailed out into the Bay in a perfect weather and calm sea conditions. Surrounded by the great landscapes it was already just beautiful to sail in the bay this morning. And not only the weather was perfect we also found at least three great Minke Whales and a lot of Harbour Porpoises not far away from Iceland's capital Reykjavík!!!! It was amazing to stay with these marine mammals in this great spring morning. Even it was hard we had to leave and sail back to the harbour, again with a lucky smile and a great experience more.