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Friday, 20 April 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report for Hafúlan: Once again the whales and the weather didn't fail us. Right where they have been the last couple of weeks. Minke Whales, Humpback Whales and my favourite at the moment the Harbour Porpoises. There are so many porpoises at the moment it has been just incredible watching them play around the boat and harass the humpback whales. Its almost like they are saying "nah nah you can't catch me" or " nah nah I can go faster than you". Diving gannets, soaring fulmars and guillemots, Razorbills, kittiwakes and seagulls also entertained us out in the bay today. Another great day thanks to the whales :)


Report from Elding: The weather was still beautiful when we headed out this afternoon. We had to sail for a little time before seeing anything. First we spotted a blow from a minke whale. We only saw the blow twice but never the whale itself. We decided to head further out as we heard from another vessel that there were few whales in an area little bit further out. Once we got there we saw lot of seabirds, gannets, fulmars, few seagulls and guillemots...and few blows as well! First we saw a minke whale surfacing about 100 meters away from us. Few seconds later we saw another one and then a humpback whale as well! Just to keep on counting the species we was we had lot of harbour porpoises surfacing all around us! This was just amazing and we even got to see the fluke of at least two humpbacks. One of them came to check us out and was swimming under the boat and surfacing just right up against us! Amazing tour!


Tour at 9:00

What a day to go Whale Watching. The whole week has been incredible and today started off just as beautiful. Sun was shining and everyone was sun bathing on board unless we were heading into the wind then everyone got into the overalls or under blankets we provide free on board. After quite a long time of sailing we finally got to the area and were surrounded by whales Minke Whales, Humpback Whales and Harbour Porpoises. We saw one Minke Whale lunge feeding (surfacing far out of the water with mouth full of food) and a humpback whale tail slapped, I'm guessing to get rid of the pesky porpoises swimming with them. Another great day at sea. It is also so nice to see passengers returning. We had a couple come two days in a row to see the whales. Incredible day.