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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Tour at 13:00

The sky was still clear and the sea was absolutely calm, even the cold wind we had in the morning was a bit less now. We sailed for a while until we spotted the first Minke Whales again. This time they seemed to be a bit better to spot than in the morning tour, so we stayed for a while with them, until we headed further out. Just a bit later we found more individuals at least 4 Minke Whales in the same spot. One surfaced suddenly in front of the boat not more than 10 meters away from us!!! It was great to stay with them and the sea was so calm, that we were able to turn of the engines for a while, so we enjoyed the silence in the bay. Close to the boat we had diving Gannets, breaking the surface of the water like arrows, a few of the first Puffins were around us as well. Then we spotted something else a bit further out, that woke our interest, arriving in the next spot we found a second species. A group of slowly surfacing White Beaked Dolphins!!! They were great to watch and surfaced many times around us, until we finally started our way back. Then we had another nice surprise as a pod of Harbour Porpoises surfaced in front of the boat. Slowly sailing towards Reykjavík, we spotted some of them again and again. A great afternoon in a clear sky and with three different species!!!


Tour at 9:00

Starting the day in Reykjavík older Harbour again we sailed in to a calm bay in a clear sky. The surroundings were fantastic, even the Snæfellsnes-Glacier was clearly visible but the wind was really cold. We sailed not very long until we encountered the first Minke Whales of the day. As they seemed busy travelling and surfaced only time by time, they were really hard to spot and we decided to head further out to spot some other individuals or even another species. But there was not one sign of a Whale further out in the bay, so we headed slowly back towards the area were we spotted the first Minke Whales. We were lucky to find some more Minke Whales that were a bit better to spot. We found as well a lot of Harbour Porpoises on this tour, it is always nice to see those cute and shy species, especially when we can compare their size with the size of the bigger Minke Whales. A cold morning in a calm bay!