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Monday, 12 March 2012

Tour at 13:00

3+ Humpback Whales on this tour, What a Day. After 5 days of cancellations the weather finally subsided for us. There was swell though which was left from the bad weather from the previous days so the first half of the tour did feel a bit like a rollercoaster, which wasn't nice for some not used to the seas motion but a lot of fun for others. Once we got out into the bay and accessed the weather better we decided that today was our best chance to visit an area which we have wanted to look at for a long time but haven't been able to because of the weather. We knew there was a lot of fish in this area because of the amount of fishing boats and where there is fish there is whales however, to get there in meant a long long long boat ride. So today's tour was longer than expected about 5 hours but it was worth it. We saw many birds on the way which I will list later and it was really interesting to see all the fishing boats hauling in and out there massive nets with thousands of birds around them. It took us a while to located the whales but we found them in the end and when you find one you find more. We got a really good look at three individual Humpback Whales and saw many blows in the distance. I saw at least 6 whales in the area. The first Humpback we saw was very strange looking, it almost looked like it was a rusty whale. I will look into this and report back about it later otherwise you can look at the pictures to understand exactly what I mean. Well today really felt like it was a day in the life of a fisherman. Wonderful day at sea.

Birds seen today include; Eider Ducks, Long-tailed Duck, Cormorants, Shags, Gannets, few species of Seagull, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Guillemots, Oystercatchers (in the harbour)