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Friday, 16 March 2012

Tour at 13:00

3+ Humpback Whales from Sandgerði. We drove our passengers again from the old harbour to Sandgerði where we departed our boat from. There was quite a bit of swell today so it did feel a bit like a rollercoaster, fun for some not so fun for others but beautiful blue skies for the majority of the tour. It wasn't long before we saw our first blow from a Humpback Whale and then another and then another. OK so which one was closest. We chose one to get closer too and what a whale to pick because it showed some amazing behaviours breaching (bringing more than 40% of its body out of the water ending in a big splash), tail slapping and pectoral fin waving. INCREDIBLE!!. Then to a second Humpback which came with in a meter from the boat and travelled parallel giving everyone a gooooood look. The third whale was a little bit harder to see as it kept travelling away and not coming to the surface that often. There were more blows in the distance but we were happy with our three before heading back to the harbour. Fantastic day to be at sea.