
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Thursday, 28 October 2010

Tour at 13:00

When we came out to FaxaflÛi this afternoon it was like a new day, the sea was so calm and conditions were really good. We sailed towards the area where we had seen the Minke Whale this morning and we did find it again. But this time it didn't surface as often and we lost it very quickly. Later we came a cross an area where there several birds around and the fish finder was telling us that there was a lot of fish at the top of the surface. In this area we found another Minke Whale but it was the same story with this one we lost it very quickly and it was avoiding the boat. Some of the passengers were able to see these two Minke Whales very well but it depended a lot on where you were on the boat so we offered our passengers a complementary ticket to join us again.

Tour at 09:00

We left this morning and it was very still here in the harbour but when we got further out the got a bit rough. We searched the area for a very long time until we finally spotted a Minke Whale. This Minke Whale was swimming towards us and then it surfaced several times right next to us and once it was swimming towards us riding the wave really close to the surface so we could see most of the body through the surface. Great to see that the Minkes haven't left us yet.