
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Tour at 13:00

After middday the wind increased again - on this tour we ecnountered a lot of white-beaked dolphins, porpoising, playing around the boat, chasing the waves and jumping completely out of the water. Harbour porpoises were spotted, too, quite a few of them always surfacing somewhere around the boat. The Minke whales, however, so great to watch in the morning, still took their siesta. Only one showed up 100 m in front of the boat, surfacing 4 times and then disappeared, no sign of it anymore.

Tour at 09:00

Great sightings of Minke Whales - 3 Minke whales were spotted at the same time, surfacing often close to the boat. Really great to observe, 2 together and one ifurther away - we guess there were at least 5 individuals in the area as we had more sightings further in a distance. Harbour porpoises were also encountered in a huge group, all around the boat, whereever you looked out.. A great tour in perfect weather - flat sea and sunshine :o))

-------      These news are NO April joke !  -----