
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Fim, 09/05/2019 - 11:21

There have been some changes made to our Northern Lights on Viðey island tour - it will from now on be called Superior Northern Lights Expedition on Viðey island and the modified tour will be more exclusive than before and focus mainly on aurora photography and the nature of the island.

Our expert guide will educate you on the science behind the northern lights, lend a helping hand with camera settings and even offer you to use one of our tripods in case you don't have your own. We'll bring along hot drinks to keep you warm during cold nights and crampons when needed. Please make sure to dress warm and according to weather.

See tour description and confirmed departures here:

We are already open for bookings on:
04.10.2019 at 21:00
18.10.2019 at 21:00
26.10.2019 at 21:00
31.10.2019 at 21:00
02.11.2019 at 21:00
23.11.2019 at 21:00
29.11.2019 at 21:00

Keep in mind that the tour is only bookable online if we reach a minimum of 10 participants. We can always book you in on standby via email at, but please note that the tour will not run if the minimum is not met. Our team will contact you as soon as possible if we need to cancel a particular departure for any reason.