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Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 13:00, 17:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 15:00


Report from Eldey : We were blessed with perfect conditions this morning when we sailed out to the bay : sunny weather, clear skies, amazing visibility, flat seas and a mild western wind. Today was a dolphin day in Faxafloi : throughout the tour, we encounter numerous pods of white beaked dolphins ! it is tricky to tell the exact number, as we observed several at the same times and some were sometimes splitting around our boat to reunite later, but we stopped for at least 5 pods and spotted other ones in the distance. They were all very active, three pods were just jumping around in the cutest way, another one was probably feeding or playing, as we would see the dolphins agitated and displaying sudden bursts of speed at the surface; finally, the last one was traveling and we followed them for a little while. Before heading back to the harbour, we crossed the path of two minke whales, but we could only see them surfacing a couple of times before they disappeared below the surface. We sailed back home under the same perfect conditions than a few hours earlier for a perfect late summer tour. 

Olivia Garcia 


Report from Eldey: Sailing out this aftenoon, the weather kept on giving us great visibility trhough the bay for us to sail out and find new sightings. Sadly, the spots where we had our sightings in the morning were now empty, but we kept looking for our cetaceans. After quite a while, we first spotted a pod of 5 white beaked dolphins, going in circles feeding. On our way to see them from closer, 2 harbor porpoises popped up, with all the passengers luckily on the right side of the boat to see them surface a couple of times before disappearing. We continued heading out, but this time without any chance, meaning we soon had to turn around to head back home. Luckily, sailing back in the bay, 2 minke whales were feeding in the same zone, close enough for all to see them dive several times, one even popping its snout out at the surface, a very last sighting before finishing our tour. 


- Alex Paumier  


Report from Eldey: Sailing out this late afternoon, we continued having a great sunny sky but with a clear increase in wind. With previous sightings known to be far out of the bay, we sailed for a good hour before entering a zone of activity. All together, 3 minke whales were traveling in the same small area, although it did not seem that they were traveling together. Two of them passed rather close to our boat, but quickly disappeared from our sight. We did not spot any other species on our way back. Though we were happy we managed to find the minkes, the sightings were rather quick and elusive and we decided to give our passengers complimentary tickets, for a chance to come back for free and enjoy better sightings. 

-Olivia Garcia

Birds encountered today were:

Northern gannet, Northern fulmar, sooty shearwater, lesser black backed gull

Northern Lights Cruise | 22:00

We headed out with a good prediction of the northern lights and were very pleased to see them, as soon as we were out of the harbor. They were on our left hand side and were shining green. So everyone was out from basically the first minute of the 2 hour tour. The northern lights stayed with us the whole tour and were green and red. They appeared as arches and they were also slightly dancing. Everyone had great views of them, because they surrounded us. We had a very good tour and lots of happy faces ! 

- Kylie Veal