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Sunday, 15 September 2024

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Today we will be operating our Classic Whale Watching on our lovely vessel Eldey at 9:00, 13:00, 17:00. Our Premium Whale Watching tour at 9:00, 10:00, 12:00 and 13:00 are unfortunately CANCELLED, Tours at 15:00 and 16:00 are CONFIRMED and will be operated on Þruma I-V.

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00, 17:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 15:00, 16:00


Report from Eldey: Sailing out this morning, we had to face the waves and wind to head out into the bay. As some spotted several pods of harbor porpoises along our way, we quickly reached an activity zone were all kept seeing blows and fins appear. Alltogether, 3 minke whales were clearly seen, passing close to the boat and showing their snouts. One of them had a very substantial blow, and even deceived us with its size as many thought it would be a humpback whale. We headed home with the wind toning down slighltly, having had some great minke sightings.


- Alex Paumier 


Report from Eldey : The weather was getting better than the morning as we sailed out this afternoon. The northern wind was losing in power and speed, the swell in height and the sun was still shining bright. Conditions were rather perfect, with beautiful views on the surroundings of the way and all the way t the snow-capped Snaefellsjokull. Shortly after leaving, we crossed the path of a pod of about 5 or 6 harbour porpoises that were traveling to our opposite direction. We saw them surfacing a few times before they disappeared under our boat. A few moments later, we found a minke whale, but that individual was rather elusive and we lost its sights after a couple times of surfacing only. After sailing aorund for a while, we spotted a blow in the distance and went in its direction, excited to find maybe a humpback whale. Unfortunately, when we reached it, the animal was nowhere to be found. Since the sightings were not of very good quality, we decided to offer our passengers complimentary tickets so that they could come back and maybe have a better tour.  

- Olivia Garcia


Report from Eldey: Sailing out again this late afternoon, the clear sky gave us an amazing visibility. With only the strong Northern wind to fear, we tried our luck in the previous spots of activity from this morning and afternoon, without any luck. Suddenly, we spotted further away some odd splashes: we had stroke luck, as we found 3 pods of 16 white beaked dolphins with 4 mother-calf pairings, curious about our boat, often spyhoping, jumping and bowriding, as mother and claves roamed around us. Leaving this group be, we tried to find new sightings further away, only to find another group of 5 white beaked dolphins, this time popping to the surface a couple of times before leaving us be on our way home from this very dolphin-full late afternoon.


- Alex Paumier

Birds encountered today were:

Northern gannet, Northern fulmar, lesser black backed gull (mainly juveniles), sooty shearwater, common guillemot