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Thursday, 19 September 2024

Thursday, 19 September 2024

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 13:00, 17:00,
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00


Report from Eldey : This morning started with an incredible tour. On top of being blessed with perfect conditions such as blue skies, gentle temperatures, flat ocean and no wind, it seems that a lot of whales have returned the bay. We first crossed the path of two traveling minke whales, one of them surprising us by appearing just a few meters in front of our boat. We then headed south after spotting a blow in the distance, and found ourselves the most curious humpback whale ever. After a beautiful dive allowing us to show the fluke, it decided to come do some human watching for a little while. The whale spent 15 minutes inspecting the boat, swimming around and below us, rolling over on its side while  surfacing so close we could have almost touched it with our hands. What and incredible feeling ! After almost half an hour admiring it, we gave it some space and continued our journey, to cross the path of two more minke whales; one of them I reckon was feeding, while the other seemed to be traveling. To finish the tour in the most perfect way possible, we stumbled across a pair of humpbacks, only separated by a few meters and diving in synchrony. In awe, we said goodbye and finally headed back home. 

- Olivia Garcia


Report from Eldey: The conditions were still pretty good with low swell and low wind. Just whe  we left the harbour we had our first cetacean encounter already: 2 harbour porpoises came out of nowhere and surfaced right next to our boat. We continued our search further out and soon spotted a blow in the distance. We unfortunately did not find the animal that caused this blow so we again continued our search. After just a few minutes we found a minke whale that kept changing directions a lot as it seemed to be feeding below. Within that region there were a total of 3 minke whales. All of the sudden a humpback whale appeared and curiously checked out our boat. Another amazing encounter. 

-Lasse Roggenkamp


Report from Eldey : For our third tour of the day, the swell had picked up a bit and light clouds were covering half of the sky. Halfway through our destination, we crossed the path of a minke whale : the individual was a bit elusive and we lost its track after seeing it surfacing a few times close to us. We sailed for a while without spotting anything, and finally found a humpback whale in the direction of the whale fjord ! The whale was probably feeding at the bottom of the water, as we would only see it come up to take a few breaths before long deep dives, repetedly, flying its fluke high above the water. After following it for a little while, we finally headed back to Reykjavik. 

- Olivia Garcia