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Friday, 20 September 2024

white-beaked dolphins

Friday, 20 September 2024

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 13:00, 17:00,
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00


Report from Eldey: This morning, we set sail into Faxaflói Bay under a bright, sunny sky. The seas were calm, with just a crisp, cold breeze to remind us of the Icelandic air. For the first 30 minutes, we scanned the waters in search of any signs of life, when news came through—there was a humpback whale nearby! We made our way to the spot and watched in amazement as it surfaced and dove slowly, its fluke rising gracefully with each dive.  Eventually, we decided to explore further and, not long after, spotted a minke whale. We waited patiently for it to dive, and as we continued our journey, we crossed paths with several more minkes, each appearance as thrilling as the last. With time running out, we decided to return to where we first saw the humpback. To our surprise, this time it turned toward our boat, coming quite close, as if to give us a final, unforgettable goodbye. What a magical encounter!

-Maria Ernesto


Report from Eldey : We had pretty good conditions on our second tour, with a calm ocean and very mild wind from the east. On our way into the bay, we crossed a big pod of a dozen of cute harbour porpoises. For once, there were rather close to us and we could see them surfacing and jumping quite a few times. When traveling further into the bay, we entered an area where at least 8 minke whales were feeding ! All around the boat we could see them surfacing, and one of them started feeding just a few meters from our boat, which was incredible. After watching them for a while, we moved a bit further where we had spotted two humpbacks whales. We tried to follow them but they were pretty elusive, spending most time underwater and resurfacing in unexpected direction. We still got spoiled with some beautiful fluke diving from both whales, a vision that never gets old. We finally sailed home under similar weather conditions. 

- Olivia Garcia