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Monday, 14 October 2024

Monday, 14 October 2024

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 13:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00, 15:00


Report from Eldey: We sailed out with long, low waves and the sun shining bright this morning. The air was freezing but that did not stop us as our overalls kept us warm and cosy. All throughout this tour we saw an incredible amount of minke whales. No less than 8-10 individuals appeared around us during the tour. Some were a bit more shy, while others surfaced a lot closer towards the boat multiple times! Halfway through our trip, we then stumbled upon 2 humpback whales, swimming side by side. We got to see them surface together often and they treated us to multiple majestic fluke dives until we finally needed to start heading into the direction of Reykjavik again. Even while we were on our way back, we managed to see a couple minkes surface along the way. What a succesfull morning!

- Milan Vansteelandt


Report from Eldey- We sailed on a beautiful afternoon, happy it was very sunny, all our passengers where as usually excited for a new marine adventure, probably after 25 minutes we saw minke whales swimming by and it was lovely to see them and after 10 minutes more of sailing we some a group of harbour purposes probably feeding people really enjoyed watching this group of small purposes, after 25 minutes more of sailing we got super lucky to found 3 Humpback whales together hanging like good friends and we got pretty close to admire this 3 Humpbacks together and we where able to recognize later it was David Jones who was happy swimming in the middle, after good view enjoying this gentle giants, it was time to go back home, where we spotted some birds back like razor bills, fulmars and ducks, all this we share experiences and chats together with the visitos, so indeed another great day of whale watching.

Claudia Albir

Birds encountered today were:

Manx shearwater, Razorbill, Glaucous gull, Northern fulmar, Black-legged kittiwake, Sooty shearwater, Common guillemot, lesser black-backed gull, great black-backed gull