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Thursday, 17 October 2024

humpback whale fluke

Thursday, 17 October 2024

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 13:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 10:00, 13:00, 15:00


Report from Eldey: The skies were cloudy but there was barely any wind nor waves this morning. After about 40 minutes of sailing, we spotted a blow in the distance. One blow turned into many and as we got closer we realised we stumbled upon no less than 3 humpback whales swimming side by side! These individuals were very social and interacted with us multiple times. They swam straight towards us to check out the boat twice and one even did a peduncle throw just meters away from us! Since they spent so much time so close near us, we got to see their beautifully white pectoral fins shine through the water, or sometimes even the entire body shone through. As a cherry on top during this encounter, we also saw 2 minke whales pass by, a couple hundred meters away. Eventually though, it was time for us to wave the whales goodbye and sail back towards the Reykjavik skyline.

- Milan Vansteelandt

Birds encountered today were:

Manx shearwater, Sooty shearwater, Northern fulmar, Common guillemot, Glaucous gull, Lesser black backed gull, Great black backed gull, Razorbill


Report from Eldey- As we set sail on a windy afternoon, our excitement soared when the sun joined us, transforming our marine adventure into something truly special. Over the next 40 minutes, we learned about the incredible creatures of the sea, eventually spotting two humpback whales. They seemed to be enjoying each other's company, surfacing a few times to greet us. We marveled at their magnificent blows and graceful fluke dives before letting them continue their day.

As we sailed back, a stunning rainbow arched over Esja, capping off an unforgettable afternoon. What a beautiful return to Reykjavik!

Claudia Albir