Thursday, 13 March 2025
- CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00
Today's whale watching tours from Reykjavík are on schedule. Remember to dress according to weather and feel free to borrow our thermal overalls if needed!
Report from Elding: We sailed out with a fairly strong wind and a strong swell this morning. The skies were almost free of clouds though so the rising sun could warm our faces. With a hot coffee in hand we searched the bay for cetaceans but we were disappointed to see that the bay appeared deserted this time of day. Luckily the amazing landscapes surrounding the bay are well worth a trip at sea in itself so we got to enjoy the sights of the mighty, snowy mountains instead. Near the end we did hand out complementary tickets to all passengers so they can come again and enjoy Faxaflói´s cetaceans in the best way possible.
Milan Vansteelandt
Report from Elding: We headed out with beautiful weather, the sun was shining and it was quite warm. After sailing out for some time we saw a blow around some fishing buoys. Patience was our friend in this case, then the Humpback Whale appeared again! Not in the same spot, but we could see him. So we followed him alongside while he was coming up for air for a few times. Then he did an amazing fluke dive, so we could take pictures of his beautiful fluke. Suddenly there were splashes in the distance - a pod of 7 White-beaked Dolphins ! They were travelling and playing around, which was very nice to see. A second pod joined them, so there were about 16 dolphins all around us. After some time they left us and so we went back to the Humpback to see it one more time. But as always, all good things must come to an end, so we had to leave and head back to the harbor. It was a great tour !
- Kylie Veal