Friday, 14 March 2025

humpback whale and passengers

Friday, 14 March 2025

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00

Today's whale watching tours from Reykjavík are on schedule. Remember to dress according to weather and feel free to borrow our thermal overalls if needed!


Report from Elding: We set out into calm, fog covered seas this morning, with a light drizzle falling upon us every now and then. After a bit of searching we spotted a pod of about 10 white beaked dolphins swimming very calmly. to our delight some of the mothers had their calves swimming by their side. After enjoying these lovely sights for a bit, we sailed out further into the bay. To our great surprise we spotted a very uncommon visitor, namely a sei whale! We followed around the massive blows for a bit until it was time for us to finally head back into port. What an amazing morning this was!

Milan Vansteelandt


Report from Eldey: Set sail this afternoon under an overcast sky, but thankfully the fog from this morning had cleared up a bit. After about 20 minutes on the water, we spotted a pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins! They were cruising along so gracefully, and it was such a nice start to the afternoon. We kept on our search for a whale, but instead, we came across a lone white-beaked dolphin. It was just hanging out on its own, pretty close to the boat. It’s always a bit surreal when you get that close to one of them. On the way back to the harbor, just as we were thinking the day might be winding down, we spotted another pod—this one had about 5 or 7 dolphins. The best part? A couple of adorable calves! Seeing the little ones made everyone on board super happy, and we all agreed it was the perfect end to a beautiful day on the water. Feeling pretty lucky today!

- Mariana Veloso