All Elding tours and ferries are CANCELLED 23rd and 24th May due to a yellow weather alert for the majority of the country. Strong winds and showers of hail are expected and people are advised to show caution as travelling can be hazardous!
Read more from the Icelandic Met Office:

In the event of unfavourable weather or unstable sea conditions, we sometimes have to cancel our tours for safety reasons. But that doesn't mean you can't make the most of your day in the city! There are numerous things to do in Reykjavík on a rainy day and many of our partners even offer tours that are less weather dependent than ours.

Hér höfum við safnað saman upplýsingum um hvernig hægt er að komastt í samband við okkur. Sendið tölvupóst eða hringið ef þú hefur einhverjar sðurningar. Við reynum að svara öllum fyrirspurnum innan sólarhrings.