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Whale diary

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: With a joyful team of passengers we left the Old harbour and headed out to the sunset but also to a choppy sea with cold winds. A harbour porpoise surfaced two times before it disappeared into the big blue on our way ou

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    Tour at 14:00

    Report from Elding: When we sailed out there was a bit of sun peaking through the clouds but unfortunately the wind had picked up and there was quite a bit of swell. Most of the passengers came prepared and had taken a seasickness tablet before the trip. S

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    Tour at 17.00

    Report from Eldey: The weather slightly changed from the previous tours. A small wind was starting to blow, making some little waves crush with our boat, although no whitecaps were out on the sea at this time. It took about 40 minutes to spot the first ani

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    Status: RUNNING

    It´s another sunny and beautiful day and we are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik. 

    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Eldey: This midnight tour started with a very sunny bay. People were really excited. We a

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: We sailed out in beautiful weather! The sun was shining, it was warm and the ocean was so still it was like a mirror. We had only been sailing for about 7 minutes when we spotted our first humpback whale of the tour. It

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: It was still very warm as we left the harbour for our "Whales in the Midnight Sun" tour. And what a lovely evening of sunshine and a beautiful sunset we got to enjoy! But first things first... It didn´t take our captain much more than 3

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: As if we were coming back from France too, the whole crew and passengers had a smile upon their face. Respect to the Icelandic team in the Eurocup. Anyway, coming back to our tour, the sea conditions and weather were really great. We co

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    Status: RUNNING

    We are sailing out from the Old Harbor in Reykjavík today. The sun is shining and the swells have gone down from yesterday. So make sure you are booked on for whale watching today

    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Eldey: It was not that windy as before, but still a fresh breese when we sailed out from the Old harbour. There was still white caps on the waves which made it more difficult to spot cetaceans. Though, the sky was clearing up and the

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    Tours at 2pm 5 pm and 8:30pm: CANCELLED

    Unfortunately we have to cancel our Whale Watching tour today at 2 pm due to rough sea conditions. The wind and swells is picking up. Please don´t hesitate to contact our ticket office at +3545195000 or

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    Tour at 20:00

    Report from Eldey: The afternoons downpour had cleared and we sailed out in the glorious evening sunset on the horizon. After only 30 minutes we spotted our first marine mammal - the minke whale. It surfaced about 400 m from the boat and w

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: "After rain comes sunshine" and this evening was not an exception. We headed out from the Old harbour of Reykjavik with rain clouds in the horizon and a sunset that was about to be the most beautiful I have seen in Iceland so far during

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    Status: Whale Watching tour at 20:30 pm CANCELED

    Unfortunately we have had to cancel our whale watching tour tonight at 20:30 pm on 28.06.2016 due to rough sea conditions
    Please contact us at +3545195000 or at

    Tour at 17:00

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The beginning of the tour was pretty special. Right from the boat we could see people watching the football match from the Eurocup. Iceland was playing against England and everyone was really excited as the match was coming to an end wi

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The weather gave us a small break, without too much wind, nor rain, increasing the difficulty of this tour. However, some dense clouds still covered the skyes and only a few rays of light managed to made their way through them. We arriv

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The wind had picked up a lot since the earlier tours and the swell was now getting up to 1 meter height. This made spotting a bit more challenging, still we were optimistic after the great sightings earlier this day. On the way out we p

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    Status Tour at 20:30 pm: CANCELLED

    Due to bad weather and rough sea conditions we have cancelled our midnight whale watching tour. 

    Please contact us at or at +3545195000 for further information and rebooking. 


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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: Almost no wind this evening and a flat sea. The first encounter of the tour was a pod of 4-5 harbour porpoises that we could observe for a while. Then we started what turned out to be a marathon search out in the bay an

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Eldey: This day full of whale watching ended with better conditions than we had this afternoon. The wind had picked up a bit more and there was some movement on the boat, but the visibility had increased so that we could look for cetaceans in t

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: There was not a cloud in the sky to spoil the magnificent sunset we sailed out into. All the passengers were basking in the glorious sunlight, drinks in hand, and eyes at the ready to the spot the wildlife. The bird life was particularl