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Whale diary

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: On our last tour of the day we decided to go straight out west to the humpback whale Þröstur that has been staying in the Faxaflói bay. As on the other tours, we found it rather quick after we reached it's estimated loca

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: The weather could not get any better than tonight and with the flat sea it was easy to spot animals on the tour even from a long distance. Our tour started with the pod of PILOT WHALES that Elding had already seen on

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: Heading out to the bay we realized we soon had the best conditions of the day. The sea was completely flat, with no wind. We headed straight to the humpback whale we knew was in the bay. About 30mins in to our tour we had a pod of 5

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: After this very amazing morning and afternoon tour we decided to head straight out to the area where the pilot whales were spotted last. On our way we were very fortunate, encountering 3 minke whales after another. Fo

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: Clearly we were lucky with the sea conditions on this tour. Wind was still blowing al little bit when we left Reykjavik, but we sailed on an almost mirror-sea, and with nice lights and colors in the landscape. Some light was shining t

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Hafsulan: The clouds were threathening rain again but like all today´s tours it stayed dry. The seas were choppy, more white caps than the tours before but all in all it was not bad and as we approached Reykjavik the sea´s were like a mirror an

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: This almost forgotten feeling we got during most of our trip, could it be warmth ? At least, it was the closest thing to it that Iceland can offer, and we enjoyed it with bliss ! We were traveling on a smooth ocean, and for this time

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: What an amazing tour!!!!! We had a pretty windy and rainy tour this afternoon starting from Reykjavík. The wind made it more bumpy than the previous tours but it was still enjoyable and fun! It took a while to find cetaceans but then

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    Tour at 17:00

    It was a pleasure just to be out at sea on this evenings tour. The skies were so dynamic and colorful it was just breathtaking. There was also no wind, a mirrored sea with some swell but nothing that would spoil the experience. A minke whale

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: We went a little further south on this tour and soon came across our first minke whale. We watched it for a few minutes and then moved on towards an area with lots of flocks of feeding birds. Inbetween the huge bird swar

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    tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The calm seas continued into our last tour of the day with another tour of flat oceans. Though because Icelandic weather is rarely perfect we had to endure a lot of rain this afternoon, it is a good job the whales are wet enough already

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: Though the first tours were very similar to each other this once would prove to be very different and really show how nature can change massively within hours. It took us an incredibly long time to reach any animals on this tour but afte

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: This was the tour with the best weather as it really calmed down from the earlier tours that day. This would turn out to be the best tour of the day not just because of the weather though as the tour was dominated by two spectacular&nbsp

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    Unfortunately the tours at 13, 14 and 17 o'clock have been canceled due to rough weather. Please contact our ticket office for further information at +354 519 5000 or

    Tour at 10:00

    Report from Elding: It was very windy this morning w

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: After the amazing day we had been having we were in a hurry to get out lest we missed something. So we quickly me our way in to Faxaflói bay. Only about 10 minutes some eagle-eyed passengers spotted two harbour porpoises 

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The Cold winds and choppy seas greeted us as we left Reykjavík harbour again this afternoon. We decided to head towards the area where we'd spotted Þröstur the humpback whale earlyer today. On our way to that a

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: On the last trip of the day we left the harbour in search of cetaceans in an optimistic mood. We traveled for a while, trying to find some of the marine mammals that we saw on the earlier tours. Unfortunately none were seen again, so we

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: On the last tour of the day, we decided to head out straight to where a humpback whale was sighted before. It took quiet a while just to get to the area, but going there was definitely a good decision. Before we even reached the area of

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: This evening we still had very good sea conditions as we were traveling out into the Faxaflói bay. Again we went straight towards the area where the last humpback whale was sighted. On our way passengers as well as crew saw harbour porpo

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The day had been a success already but on this tour we had the pleasure of some good weather for a change! The wind had really calmed down and we had a very smooth journey this afternoon. The trip started out just like the others when ou