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Whale diary

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: A few cracks in the cloud shower greeted us with some rays of the midnight sun as we sailed out of harbour. The volcano Sneafellsjökull was gloving in the setting sun infront of us and it was very beautiful. We searched far and wide on

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: It was raining slightly throughout the tour and a bit cold but wearing the overalls it was just cosy. We hadn't been sailing long when we happened upon a minke whale. It was travelling really fast but surfacing a l

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Eldey: Weather conditions seemed to have calmed down a bit with less swell when we sailed out. There were loads of puffins sitting on the water and flying around. After about half an hour we spotted Atlantic white beaked dolphins,

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: Amazing start with the sun shining and almost no wind. Quickly we encountered about 6 harbour porpoises that came up several times. After about half an hour sailing we encountered white beaked dolphins

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: We had a beautiful sail out into Faxaflói the wind had dropped and the sea was a lot flatter than previous tours. It was still a bit choppy with a few white caps, which made spotting difficult. Nevertheless, after only a short time spen

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Eldey: What a wonderful start for our midnight tour. The sea conditions were absolutely perfect, no swell and with the cloudy sky the surface looked bright. These are optimal conditions for spotting cetaceans and we had an easy time spotting an

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: The sun was still shining up in the sky, but unfortunately a little of wind show up at this time on Faxa bay, which not only increased the cold sensation, but also created lots of whitecaps that made it harder to spot wildlife. But about

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Elding: What an afternoon! The sun was still shining and the conditions for whale watching were very very good. We started the tour with very interactive and playful white-beaked dolphins.  They were bowriding, s

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey - We sailed from the old harbour of Reykjavik, trying to reach the area were an amazing humpback whale was spotted behaving really funny in previous tours. About 40 minutes after our departure we came across a small pod of about 5-7

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: We sailed out in high spirits from the previous success of the last two tours where we saw sightings from all four of our common species of cetaceans that we find most frequently in the bay here. After only 40 minutes of sailing we were

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: It was the last tour of the day and skies remaind cloudy and there was light rain. There was little wind too and the sea conditions were great allowing for clear sightings of the first species of the tour, harbour porpoises

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey 17:00:

    Let’s go for the last tour for the day! The weather was getting colder outside while we were going into the evening but that didn’t stop us to go out and take the best of the day. A group of harbour porpoises

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: On crystal calm seas we travelled into Faxafloi bay with minimal wind which made for a very pleasant journey. Our first sighting began with a pod of 8-10 white-beaked dolphins who we spent over 20 minutes with

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: What fantastic conditions for whale watching – turquoise seas with barely a cloud in sight. We had been going around 45 minutes when we first saw our first minke whale, which was followed up by at least 3 more sight

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    Status: RUNNING

    We are sailing out on this beautiful day from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik. There is little to no wind and the sun is shining.

    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Elding: We left the harbour of Reykjavik with real high hopes, since the oth

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: On one of my most incredible tours yet we began our journey from Reykjavik harbour on glassy seas in perfect conditions. Within forty minutes we spotted the back of a minke whale 200 m away. We stayed with this

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: Perfect conditions remained as well for this trip: mirror-like sea, weak wind, excellent visibility and even a little bit of sun times to times ! We went straight back to the area where we were so successful on the previous tour and foun

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    Tour at 17.00

    Report from Eldey: Flat seas, calm winds and a nearly summer afternoon. We couldn't have asked for better conditions to go whale watching. As soon as we left the harbour, we received the message that a humpback whale was spotted a little f

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: An absolutely incredible tour today. We sailed out from Reykjavík harbour with completely flat sea conditions and an overcast. Our first encounter of the tour was after about 30 minutes of sailing. It was a minke whale

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    Tour at 17:00

    Report from Eldey: Third tour on the boat Eldey for today and the wind had picked up a little since last tour so the sea was a bit rougher during this tour. We headed out to the same area where we spotted a lot of cetaceans on the previous tours,