Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out ready for rough sea and it was quite the adventure with the wind, rain and sun in our faces for a while and then a beautiful rainbow afterwards. After searching for a while we came to an area where there were quite many birds around and soon we spotted a flock

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was quite nice when we sailed out searching for whales this afternoon.  In the beginning we only spotted one or two Minke whales. The second whale was very nice, surfacing many times and we could even smell the whale, very nice smell....... OR NOT. Like always it

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was still very nice, the sun was shining and the sea conditions were quite nice. And the whales were again in a very nice mood. Many Minke whales were in the same area as this morning so it was easy to find the again.  They were still busy feeding. We also found

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    Unfortunately we have to CANCEL the tours today due to very strong wind at sea.  For further information call us at (+354) 555 3565.

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    Tour at 13:00.

    The weather continued to be rough, strong wind big waves and it was raining like cats and dogs. Still we headed out to Faxaflói bay to try our luck with the whales. But this time the luck was not with us for the big whales. We spent a long time searching and the only whales

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    Tour at 13:00

    After sailing only 10 minutes we spotted a small group of Harbour porpoises, and a nice one it was. They surfaced many times very close to our boat. Nice beginning. But we had no luck with the big whales this afternoon.  We searched for a long time, but no Minke whale showed

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed straight out to the same area this afternoon to try to find the whales again. After searching for some time we spotted a flock of feeding birds, Kittiwakes, Gulls and Fulmars. And a  Minke whale came up between them.  But this whale did not surface many times befor

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    Tour at 13:00

    We could nearly say ,,copy- paste" for this tour from the morning tour, except for two things, a little bit more wind and the Minke whales were in more action. Rolling in the surface, belly up and surface feeding a few times. But every thing else was the same, lots of Harbou

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out from Hafnarfjörður today in very nice but pretty cold weather. After sailing only a few minutes the captain spotted a small group of Harbour porpoises but they were very shy so none of our passengers could see them. Then two minutes later our first officer spot

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    Tour at 13:00

    This afternoon we headed out again. First we spotted a Minke Whale that surfaced several times close to us. At first it didn't spend long time under water and surfaced often but after a while it started spending more and more time under water so we headed on in search for so

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    Tour at 13:00

    This afternoon was absolutely amazing. We headed out towards the area where we had been this morning but all the whales were gone form there so we kept on searching. We heard news of many whales not so faraway from where we were so we headed there and what a show. There were

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was great again this afternoon, sun was shining and a bit warmer then this morning. We headed out and after searching for a while we spotted a Minke Whale. This Minke Whale was pretty shy and we spotted only 3 times, the last time we saw it surface it came really

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    Tour at 13.00

    We headed out in really sunny weather. We soon spotted a group of White beaked Dolphins. We stayed with them and a couple of them were also jumping. We also spotted some more Dolphins further out also some jumping ones. Suddenly we were surrounded by dolphins all around the

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was really good again this afternoon. We headed straight out to the area where we had been earlier this morning and when we got there we spotted the Mine Whales surface feeding again. Rolling in the surface there causing huge splashes. But after a while they stop

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    Tour at 13:00

    We had a fantastic tour out in Faxaflói bay this afternoon, the weather stayed the same slightly warmer though than this morning. We headed out and after searching for a little while we spotted a flock of feeding Gannets ahead of us. Around the Gannets we spotted so many Min

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again we headed out and this time we sailed straight towards the area where we ended this morning. Just before we got there we spotted blows from whales and when we got to the area there were even more Gannets there then before. And before we knew it we had at least 6 differ

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    Tour at 13:00

    Due to the strong wind we cancelled the tour.


    Tour at 09:00

    The weather was quite rough today when we headed out to Faxaflói bay. After sailing for some time we found a good area with lots of feeding birds. Gannets, Fulmars, Kittiwakes and Manx shearwat

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was the same this afternoon and even the sun was peaking out from the clouds. Again we spotted the Harbour porpoises firs. It was a big group, fast swimming so we followed them for a while trying to get closer. Further out we spotted some splashes and this time i

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    Tour at 13:00

    Cancelled to do strong wind out in Faxaflói bay.


    Tour at 09:00

    The autumn is obviously here since the weather was full in this morning, windy and rainy, but it didn't stop us and our passengers from going out this time and we headed out ready for some a

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    Tour at 13:00

    While we were boarding for this tour it was raining but as soon as we left the harbour the sun started shining and was shining though out the tour and the see was as flat as it could be. From the moment we spotted the first whale which was a Minke Whale more and more started