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Saturday, 4 September 2010

Tour at 13:00

The wind had slowed down a little bit when we sailed out to Faxaflói bay this afternoon. It took us about 90 minutes to find the whales and we had to sail quite far out. Suddenly out captain spotted a blow from a whale and a few minutes later one Minke whale surfaced 70 meters from our boat but only one time. We tried to find the whale again but it had dived away. So we searched some more. Then finally we found an area with some feeding birds and two Minke whales. They surfaced a few times, feeding in the area. One of them surfaced very close to out boat but only one time. We saw a lot of birds in the bay. Sooty shearwaters, Manx shearwaters, Skuas, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Gulls and Gannets. Then we headed back to the harbour and the perfect end, some Harbour porpoises showed up very close to the harbour. Very nice ending to a rough tour.

Tour at 09:00

We sailed quite far out today tying to find the whales. Rough sea conditions and strong wind made the search more difficult for us. After searching for a long time we spotted a small group of White-beaked dolphin.  They were very shy and elusive and they disappeared after only a few minutes. There was no luck finding the bigger whales but a few Harbour porpoises crossed our path on our way back to the harbour. Like often in rough weather it was difficult to find the whales so we gave our passengers complimentary tickets so they can visit us again for a second change.