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Monday, 13 September 2010

Tour at 13:00

The weather was the same this afternoon and even the sun was peaking out from the clouds. Again we spotted the Harbour porpoises firs. It was a big group, fast swimming so we followed them for a while trying to get closer. Further out we spotted some splashes and this time it was from surface feeding Minke Whale. Not only one whale, many Minke Whales. They were very busy feeding. The see was boiling of Sand eels and the whales were surface feeding, sharking and lunge feeding all around us. In the beginning it was difficult to get close to the whales but we were very patience and in the end some of them came very close. When we were heading back to the harbour we spotted some small splashes and there they were: White-beaked dolphins. We spent a few minutes with them before we headed back to the harbour. Excellent tour this afternoon.


Tour at 09:00

The weather was quite nice even though we had a bit of a swell from the previous night. In the beginning we spotted a small group of Harbour porpoises, only for a short while. Then we spotted some splashes in the distance. It was breaching White-beaked dolphins. Very nice group, witch came very close to our boat, playing all around. Then in one area we found some feeding Gannets and few Minke whales, some in very good mood, surfacing close to the boat and some more shy, diving for a long time. All together very nice tour.