
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Friday, 17 September 2010

Tour at 13:00

The weather was really good again this afternoon. We headed straight out to the area where we had been earlier this morning and when we got there we spotted the Mine Whales surface feeding again. Rolling in the surface there causing huge splashes. But after a while they stopped feeding and spread over some large area. There were so many of them all around us some came really close to us several times and others were further away.


Tour at 09:00

The weather was great this morning, calm wind and blue sky. We headed out to Faxaflói and first we briefly spotted a small pod of Harbour Porpoises. When we headed further out in the distance we started to see a flock of feeding birds, when we got to the area we had feeding Gannets and around us, there were fulmars, Guillemots, Shearwaters and several different Gulls species. Around that area we found many Minke Whales feeding there. Breaking out of the water with the mouth wide open, rolling in the surface both close to us and further away and we could see the surface vibrate all around us due to all the sand-eels around us. An amazing tour we had this beautiful morning.