
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Saturday, 18 September 2010

Tour at 13.00

We headed out in really sunny weather. We soon spotted a group of White beaked Dolphins. We stayed with them and a couple of them were also jumping. We also spotted some more Dolphins further out also some jumping ones. Suddenly we were surrounded by dolphins all around the boat. We headed on and tried to find some Minke Whales but also this time we didn’t got lucky so we headed on and spotted the Dolphins again.


Tour at 09.00

We headed out into the bay and we had really good sea conditions and the weather was really good as well. We spotted a big group of White beaked  dolphins and stayed with them. Suddenly they started jumping really close to the boat. Some of them even swam under the boat and we were able to see them under the water surface. We also spotted some Harbour Porpoises. When we headed on we saw some huge splashes when we got closer we found the dolphins again. We headed further out and tried to find some other Whales. We spotted a group of Harbour Porpoises. After sailing for a while we found some more White beaked Dolphins and they were jumping again and some came really close to the boat. We tried to find some Minke Whales and spotted many diving Gannets around us but no Minke Whales. Still a really nice trip!