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Monday, 27 September 2010

Tour at 13:00

The weather was still very nice, the sun was shining and the sea conditions were quite nice. And the whales were again in a very nice mood. Many Minke whales were in the same area as this morning so it was easy to find the again.  They were still busy feeding. We also found a group of White-beaked dolphins witch were very entertaining. Then again some Minke whales showed up close to our boat, even two in the same time so all our passengers could have a good look at the animals. And it was very nice to hear how exited the people were when the whales showed up. Excellent tour.


Tour at 09:00

We had a lovely tour this morning, the sun was shining and not so strong wind any more like in the last few days. Soon we spotted a group of White-beaked dolphins. They had small calves with them so it was difficult to get close to them, but a very nice group though. Further out we found a bigger group, breeching out of the water. They came very close and were playing all around us. Fantastic group. A few minutes later we spotted a blow from a Minke Whale, and in one area we spotted many, many Minke whales. They were busy feeding, even a few times surface feeding. It was very amazing.  And also a small group of Harbour porpoises showed up. So all together very successful trip.