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Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Tour at 13:00

The weather was quite nice when we sailed out searching for whales this afternoon.  In the beginning we only spotted one or two Minke whales. The second whale was very nice, surfacing many times and we could even smell the whale, very nice smell....... OR NOT. Like always it was Stinky Minke.  But further we spotted some more Minke whales but they were always surfacing one or two times before disappearing. Then we spotted some splashes further out and when we came closer we found lots of White-beaked dolphins. They were everywhere breaching, leaping, and swimming under and beside our boat. One of the dolphins thought it was in Circus show and was breaching out of the water 20-30 times in front of us. Absolutely amazing. We also spotted a small group of Harbour porpoises. Amazing trip this afternoon.


Tour at 09:00

In quite rough sea we headed out to Faxaflói bay this morning. Strong wind and it was raining a bit. After sailing for 49 minutes we came in to the same area were we found the whales yesterday and they were still there and a lot of them. Minke whales, White-beaked dolphins and Harbour porpoises, all in the same area. It was quite fantastic. Some of the Minke whales came very close and the dolphins were bow riding for some time. Even the wind slowed down during the tour. So very amusing and entertaining trip.