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Friday, 18 June 2010

Tour at 20:30

No data


Tour at 17:00

For this tour we headed straight out to Faxaflói. In the beginning of the tour we spotted a flock of feeding birds, Puffins, Gannets, Kittiwakes, Fulmars and more  and among these birds we found and really nice pod of Harbour Porpoises. We then kept on searching for the bigger whales. After this flock of birds we didn't see many more birds in the area only one and one that flew by. Then towards the end we finally spotted a Minke Whale and this was a really nice Minke Whale that surfaced several times before going for a deeper dive that lasted only for about 5 minutes each time. We then ended the tour with a stop in Akurey to see how the Puffins were doing.


Tour at 13:00

The wind had gone down a lot for the 13:00 tour. We started the tour with a stop in Akurey to see the Puffins. There were so many of them there again this time. Then we headed out and soon we spotted some Harbour Porpoises. Only few moments later we noticed huge splashes and that turned out to be breaching White-beaked Dolphins. We stayed with them for a while until a Minke Whale surfaced only about 20 meters away from the boat. This Minke Whale and the next two we spotted were very difficult, surfacing only once before going for a deeper dive. But the last Minke Whale we found surfaced several times and then went for a long deep dive so we were able to see that one very well.


Tour at 9:00

We headed out in a bit windy weather but found out that the weather was better than we expected as the wind was coming from a convenient direction. We started the tour by sailing to the puffin island Akurey where there were very many puffins this morning, both on the island, flying around it and swimming on the ocean. We also saw some geese, eider ducks, a raven and many other species on the island. We then headed towards Faxaflói and very soon our captain spotted harbour porpoises close to the boat. Unfortunately they disappeared but very soon we spotted another pod of them and they were fantastic to watch, coming extremely close to the boat and were even visible under the surface repeatedly. As we were watching them, suddenly a Minke whale popped up a little further away from us and came up a few times. It was always heading away from us but we still got a good look. Shortly afterwards we spotted more harbour porpoises and another Minke whale and this time we got a better look at the Minke. We then headed back towards the harbour after a successful tour!