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Tuesday, 02 June 2015

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: This tour started with many birds again, for example feeding northern gannets in an area that looked very promising. Since sea birds and cetaceans feed on the same fish species, feeding birds are always a good sign on the search for whales and dolphins. We kept our eyes open and were hoping to finally find the animals we were looking for. Unfortunately, the birds were the only animals we got to see on this tour; the whales and dolphins did not seem to be in a good mood for whale watching today, so we again offered our passengers the complimentary tickets as a compensation. These are valid for the next two years and offer the chance of another whale watching tour with hopefully more curious cetaceans! 

- Hanna Michel

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Since we did not spot any cetaceans on the previous tour, we decided to explore another area off Grindavík and headed to the East. It was a nice tour with many northern fulmars and kittiwakes keeping us company during the whole tour. The visibility had improved since this morning and we were able to see the (in)famous Volcano Eyjafjallajökull at the horizon. However, we did not find any whales or dolphins on this tour and handed out the complimentary tickets, that are valid for the next two years, and we would be thrilled to see our passengers on another tour with us.

- Hanna Michel

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: We sailed out today from Grindavík because of rough conditions in the Faxaflói Bay, hoping for calmer conditions and some cetaceans. Heading east along the southern coast of Iceland we encountered strong winds but the sea state was quite good with very little rocking of the boat. Birds were not in short supply, soaring around the boat in the strong wind and we even spotted quite a few Gannets diving for food around the boat. We searched both east and west with the picturesque southern coast and with the island Eldey in the background for cetaceans but unfortunately to no avail. Like we can't control the weather we can't control wild animals and headed back to shore without a sighting. That is sometimes how it is with wildlife but as a compensation we gave all our passengers a complimentary ticket good for two years for another tour. We hope to see all of them again to hopefully experience a more social side of Iceland whales!

-Ívar Elí

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Full of hope to have great tours we went out from Grindavík today. We had some amazing tours from this harbour last week and were looking forward to explore the coast again. The sailing was relatively smooth despite the strong winds coming from the North. Even though we saw many birds on this tour and spotted a small flock of plunge-diving northern gannets, we did not spot any cetaceans. Therefore, we offered our passengers the complimentary tickets for another free tour with us that are valid for the next two years.

- Hanna Michel

Birds spotted on today's tours include: northern gannets, kittiwake, black backed gulls, northern fulmars, common guillemots, puffins, arctic terns, arctic skuas, great skua.