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Saturday, 18 January 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsulan and Elding: Once again we sailed out of Grindavik after a 45-60 minute bus ride from Reykjavik with all our passengers. Everyone must have heard about yesterday's tour as we had about 190 passengers joining us. Thus, we took out two boats so that our guests had more room for comfort. The weather was a lot choppier than yesterday's adventure which was not good for the sensitive stomachs but most had a blast, even a young 4 year old boy came to talk to me at the end of the tour to tell me how much fun he had. We sailed offshore to the west for a while but we saw no signs of blows the sea swell was also increasing, we changed course to make the ride stabler. This was also a good decision because just a couple of minutes later we spotted a big flock of seabirds and Killer Whales. At least 10-15 individuals from young calves to grown adults. It was incredible, after a few minutes they stopped feeding and travelled to the east which was not a good direction for us but we followed them for a while nonetheless and then headed home. We wished the weather would have been better but the wildlife was fantastic. Hope they stay there a while longer.

- Megan Whittaker

- Gannets, Glaucous Gulls, Kittiwakes, Iceland Gulls, Red breasted Mergansers, Shags, Cormorants, Razorbills.