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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Today we sailed out from the harbour of Sandgerði. The sea conditions were good even though the wind was blowing a little bit. Almost as soon as we came out of the harbour we  spotted a few Harbour porpoises in front of us. When we stopped the boat they were quick to swim away so we continued our sailing south along the "sole" of the Reykjanes peninsula. The view was excellent and we went all the way to the peninsula's "heel" before turning back. There was much bird life in the area during the whole tour and we saw a number of fishing boats on their way to the harbour. Even though the seas seemed lively we did not spot any larger cetaceans today and gave all our passengers complimentary ticket for later use.

-Soffia Magnusdottir

Birds spotted on today´s tour include: Northern Gannet, Kittiwake, Black-Backed Gull, Northern Fulmar, Glaucous Gull, Shag, Cormorant, Iceland Gull, Eider ducks