
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 17:00 CANCELLED

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather and sea conditions were still difficult in the afternoon as we left the harbour. We stayed close to the northern coast of the bay to protect ourselves from the strong northerly winds. It took us quite a while to spot our first harbour porpoise. The captain of the boat decided to stay around hoping for other sighting of the small cetacean but these animals are quite elusive and we never saw it again. We resumed our search and found some gathering of seabirds, including northern gannets diving in the ocean. Those were very good signs that food was available and hopefully cetaceans would gather there as well. Some of us managed to catch a glimpse of a small pod of porpoises but once again they vanished as fast as they had appeared. While heading back to Reykjavík we finally saw a blow from a minke whale. Unfortunately the whale had other plans than staying around us and kept traveling very fast past us. Running out of time we had to get back to the harbour but since our sightings had been really short and elusive, we offered complimentary tickets to every passengers so they could come again for a better encounter with the cetacean of the bay.

Rémi Bigonneau

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We went out in quite rough conditions on this sunny morning. Since we didn't expect the sea conditions to be good today, we started heading North and sailed along the shoreline to get some shelter from the mountains. Therefore,the sailing was still rather comfortable but every now and then the boat was still rocking a lot. We didn't see any signs of cetaceans for a very long time, even after we headed further offshore. At some point we reached an area with a lot of bird activity including two large flocks of feeding sea birds - a very promising sign for us! We spent some time in that area and kept an eye out all around us but we didn´t see any whales or dolphins. Unfortunately, we had to go back to the harbour after a while since we were running out of time. We were hoping to find cetaceans on our way back, but since this didn't happen, we offered all our passengers complimentary tickets. These are valid for the next two years, so that everyone has the chance of coming on another whale watching tour with us that will hopefully with more success.

- Hanna Michel

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern fulmar, northern gannet, kittiwake, Iceland gull, glaucous gull, greater black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, razorbill, common guillemot, atlantic puffin, eider duck, common loon, arctic skua, and Eurasian oystercatcher.