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Saturday, 30 July 2016

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: The sea conditions had been pretty rough all day but it was warm and sunny when we left the harbour. We had only been sailing for about five minutes when we heard from another whale watching boat that they had seen a humpback whale very close to the harbour so we went straight there and, sure enough, there it was! It's always extra nice to see cetaceans when you have had non sighting tours so we were thrilled about finding this humpback. It was very elusive, only coming up once between long dives so we stayed with it for a while and then took a slow detour back to the harbour because the weather was so nice. A very nice sailing in nice weather with a humpback whale.

- Bryndís Ösp 

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: The weather continue being really nice and smooth, although we're facing a little more of wind than in the previous tour. We sailed really further away into the Faxa bay, first following the shore line heading to Akranes, to reduce as much as possible the rocking of the boat; and then getting a little more out in a really pleasant and relaxing trip now that we were sailing in the same direction as the wind was blowing. But unfortunately, after almost trhee hours of travel we didn't manage to spot wildlife and we had to return to the bay. But, strangely, just as we were entering into the surrounding areas of the harbour, we spotted a humpback whale swimming in a really strange way in those shallow waters. We followed the individual for a few minutes, and we could realize that something was definitely not going on pretty well with the animal, since it kept showing strange surfacing and fluking patterns. We will try to keep an eye on this animal in the next trips!

- Alberto Alejandro

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The sea conditions had been pretty rough this morning but the sea was calmer when we headed out. It was quite warm as well which was nice. We decided to stay close to land to be sheltered from the elements and we had been sailing for while when we got a call from another whale watching boat telling us they were watching a minke whale. When we got there it had gone for a deeper dive and unfortunately we didn't see it resurface. The search continued until it was time to head back to the harbour but unfortunately we were unsuccessful in our search for cetaceans. This is unpredictable wildlife so there are no guarantees but of course we are always disappointed when we don't see something. Therefore we offered all of our passengers complimentary tickets which are valid for two years so they can come on another whale watching tour with us and hopefully we will have better luck next time!

- Bryndís Ösp

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: The weather was great when we sailed out but we knew it would be more windy and rocky in the bay. After about one and a half hour of sailing we heard that one of the other boats had spotted a minke whale. When we reached the area we were however unable to find the animal. During the rest of the tour we did not spot any cetaceans, we did see a number of different bird species however and because the day was so clear we had amazing views of the surroundings. At the end of the tour we offered our passengers complimentary tickets, hopefully they will have more luck with cetaceans on their next trip!

- Anouk de Plaa

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out on a very sunny but windy morning today looking for whales, dolphins, and porpoises. After about an hour, crew members saw a small blow and also the back of an animal which was probably a minke whale. However, we did not see it again and after a few minutes of waiting decided to move on. We kept going and at some point turned around towards another whale watching boat that had seen a few white-beaked dolphins. However, they lost them soon and we did not manage to spot them when helping to find them again. Also, the rest of the tour was fruitless, and therefore, we offered all our passengers our complimentary tickets. These tickets allow them to come on another tour with us within the next two years - hopefully a more successful tour!

- Hanna Michel

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, manx shearwater, Atlantic puffin, common guillemot, Arctic tern, arctic skua, lesser black-backed gull and kittiwakes. 


We are sailing out from the old harbor in Reykjavík today. It is a bit windy out at sea today but other then that the weather is quite lovely today