
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




We are sailing our from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik on a very cold but beautiful day. According to the forecast there will be around -8°C but we have heated indoor areas on board and we also have overalls to keep you warm out on deck. If you are sensitive to motion sickness we do offer preventative tablets in the ticket office, free of charge!

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: What a bitter cold day today! Our warm overalls and blankets came in very handy and hopefully kept everyone warmish on this beautiful winter day. For three hours we searched a large part of Faxa Bay together with two other whale watching boats looking for whales, dolphins and porpoises. However, even though we spread out and went to some of our best whale and dolphin watching areas, no animals besides our faithful sea birds were to be seen. Beaten by Mother Nature we returned to the Harbour and offered all our passengers complimentary tour tickets for another whale watching tour with us. These tickets are valid for two years and can be used for another tour from Reykjavik or Akureyri in the North of Iceland! 

- Hanna Michel

Bird species seen on today's tour include: eider duck, European cormorant, glaucous gull, great black-backed gull, Iceland gull, and northern gannet.