
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: 3-5 m/s winds from the east made this a relaxing calm evening tour. It was so warm as we headed offshore but soon got cold as the sun lowered.  We had a nice selection of birds; gannets, fulmars and  black-headed gulls as we travelled the 40-50 minute ride to our favourite spotting area of the day. On the way a lonely harbour porpoise caught our attention but that surface 4-5 times and then vanished. Then passengers spotted a minke whale, that also was elusive, surfaced twice and vanished. The stars of the show were the white-beaked dolphins. 4 pods scattered about in our travells with about 15-20 dolphins in total. On the way home the sun lowered and shone through the clouds and a rainbow popped out too. A nice tour to end the day. 

- Megan Whittaker

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The weather calmed down quite a lot compare with the previous days so we were hoping for a great whale watching tour. The sky was overcast but that´s the best weather condition you can ask for while whale watching. We were about to leave the harbour when we spotted our first species, there were two harbour porpoises travelling quite fast next to our boat, a good sign for our trip. Nonetheless, we continued and we scanned the bay looking for more animals and we found again our lovely porpoises, this time was a solitary individual "porpoising". We explored an area well-known for its rich-nutrient waters and successful sightings and we were lucky to see a minke whale surfacing couple of times in front of us. However, the whale-watching experience during our afternoon tour wasn´t as pleasant as we would have liked to, so we decided to give our passenger a complimentary tickets so everybody can enjoy a second chance with our lovely animals.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: This tour proves it - the weather forecast in Iceland can't always be trusted. It was a nice and flat day with little wind and we actually stayed dry until the last 30 minutes of the trip. As we always say to everyone, one of the things we look out for are splashes. Today, they helped us find a pod of around 14 amazing white-beaked dolphins!! They were absolutely fantastic, staying with us for over 30 minutes, coming so close we could have touched them and also doing jumps and inverted leaping!!! We could have stayed with them the entire tour but we wanted to also show our passengers more whale species, thus we moved on. It didn't take long until we found an area full of fish and 3 feeding minke whales as well as 3 harbour porpoises popping up around us. The area was so loaded in fish, that we could even smell it. A really great tour with 3 species of cetaceans that were all great to watch and enjoy.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Birds seen on today's tours: Eider Duck, European Shag, Cormorant, Northern Fulmar, Black-legged Kittiwake, Lesser Black-backed Gull and Northern Gannet.

Tour status: RUNNING

We are sailing from the old harbour in Reykjavík today. We got some wind coming from the east, but sea conditions are favorable. Book your tour here: