Þri, 06/25/2019 - 13:06

Here are some fun facts about the whales in our waters!

*There are two types of whales - toothed and baleen plate whales! 

*Blue whales are the biggest animals to have ever lived on the planet! That's bigger than any dinosour we know of!

*Genitals of male whales are tucked inside of them when they aren't mating! This allows them to swim faster as it reduces drag!

*Sperm whale poop (ambergris) has been used in perfumes and "high quality" fecal matter that wash ashore can be sold for a lot of money!

*Blue whale fart bubble can supposedly get so big that it could swallow a whole horse!

*Whales never fully sleep! In stead, they relax one half of the brain at a time which allows them to come to the surface to breathe when needed!

*The biggest animal on the planet eats the smalles ones! A blue whale's diet consists of tiny krill and they can eat up to 4 tonnes in a single day!

*Humpback whales sing complex songs that can be heard from kilometres away and is mainly used for sexual selection!

*Whales can hold their breaths for at least 20 min. and some whales are able to stay underwater with one breath for about 2 hours!

*When whales exhale, they are not spouting out water, but warm air that quickly condences in the cool air!

*The blue whale has the largest penis in the world - about 2,5 metres long!

*Humpback whales have bumps on their head and lower jaw called tubercles, which are actually hair follicles from a bygone time when they had hair!

*Blue whales have the largest hearts in the world that is the size of a VW Beetle and weighs up to 500 kg.!

*Fin whales pee about the equivalent of 3 bathtubs a day.

*The southern right whale has the largest testicles in the world - they can weigh about 500 kg. each!

*Sperm whales are known to dive down to 2,000 metres to feed on squid!

*Most whales are pregnant for about 1 year - others a bit more!

*A whale's milk has the consistency of toothpaste or cottage cheese, otherwise it would simply dissolve in the surrounding waters!

*Blue whales are the loudest animals on earth, capable of making sounds of up to 188 desibels! That's louder than a jet engine!

*Most elephants weigh less than a blue whale's tongue!

*Whales have left over hand bones inside their flippers from when they were terrestrial animals, millions of years ago!