We're celebrating 20 years at sea!

Þri, 05/12/2020 - 13:12

Twenty years ago today, a whale watching company was founded by a family that was eager to combine their interest in wildlife, boats and people. That company went on to grow from a small-scale seasonal business in Sandgerði, to being the biggest boat tour operator in all Iceland; operating year round from Reykjavík and Akureyri!

Three generations have worked together, along with many great employees, to make Elding what it is today. We believe in using our experience and enthusiasm to make the best tours available for our customers. The whole team puts great care into the business and sea adventures have truly become a lifestyle for us. We strive to continue to offer a wide range of sustainable, enjoyable and safe tours at sea, for years to come.

We hope to be able to welcome you all on board when the time is right to celebrate this remarkable milestone together!