
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Anna Richter

Anna joined us in late April 2022. She has a BSc in Animal Biology from the Uk and a MSc in Evolutionary Biology from Sweden. Previously she worked as a Marine Coordinator and Ranger in Raglan, NZ as well as a Reptile and Invertebrate Keeper in England and volunteered in research /conservation projects in Costa Rica, USA and South Africa.  She is very passionate about all wildlife and enjoys communicating with the public as well as raising awareness about the importance of conservation. Check out her instagram: @annalarissaaa

It’s my first season and so far I am loving it! I love going out to sea every day and getting to experience these magnificent creatures up close. Working as a naturalist at Elding, one of my favourite parts is (apart from the animals obviously) how palpable the excitement from the passengers is. It’s great feeling to see a fluke-dive or breach together. I love being able to educate and share my passion for wildlife and conservation. I hope I can inspire the younger generation to care for our oceans and environment, maybe even sculpt some mini-biologists. Everyone at Elding is like minded and understands the importance of conservation and it’s just a bonus that everyone is friendly, it is wonderful to be able to work in such an environment.

Anna speaks German and English fluently, as well as some French.

Anna Richter nautralist guide
Head Naturalist & Deckhand
00354 519 5000