Friday, 9 September 2022


Friday 9 September 2022

Today we will be operating on Þruma RIB for our 10:00 and 14:00 Premium Whale tours and on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 09:00 and 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tours. Make sure to dress appropriately for the tours as it is always colder on sea than on land.



COVID-19: Keep in mind that passengers and crew are asked to ensure their own hygiene and safety at all times. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and using a hand sanitiser is advised. Masks are not mandatory but are recommended in areas where keeping distance from others is not possible.


Report from Eldey: We set sail on a moody rainy grey day, I grew up in London however so I do not mind. Everyone on board was in good spirits and we had very little wind or swell so the sea was good for whale watching! Shortly after leaving the harbour we had our first encounter - the sea ninja aka the harbour porpoise. They made a quick appearance and like ninjas vanished again. We sailed further out and then saw some white beaked dolphins! They started off a bit shy but then had a change of heart and came close to the boat, even bow riding at times. Eventually we decided to head further on into the bay and I spotted a minke whale! Then in the same spot more harbour porpoises. Did I mistake a 7m animal with a 1.5m one?? Then the minke surfaced again and so did the porpoises and then on our right more dolphins! It seemed we just picked a good spot where all the action was! We eventually headed back in the direction of the harbour still seeing porpoises and dolphins on the way. 

- Anna Richter (Porpoise Enthusiast)


Report from Eldey: The rain increased every so slighty in the afternoon, but the swell and sea were still great for spotting some whales! We sailed out into Faxa floi eager to see what this journey will bring. After about an hour of sailing we saw some dorsal fins on the horizon - white beaked dolphins! This pod kept its distance at first but then they were all around us, some were jumping and some were slapping their tales on the surface of the water! We enjoyed some moments together and then moved on to respect their space. As we continued we saw more dorsal fins, this time it was minke whales! There were a lot around us and you could pretty much choose any direction and see some. A few of them came fairly close to the boat so everyone got a good look. During this minke mania we had a quick glimpse of some harbour porpoises as well! After a while we started heading back in the direction of the harbour. En route, we saw another pod of dolphins and a few more minke whales. In total we saw 2-3 pods of dolphins (7 strong) and 7 minke whales. 

- Anna Richter (still enthusiastic about porpoises)


Report from Eldey: As we left the harbour the rain had calmed down a bit and we left for our adventure ... oh wait no, forget that, the rain picked back up after 20 minutes. The sky and sea were still grey but we could actually see further than before today. We sailed for about an hour with little luck but still had high hopes and enjoyed watching the birds fly by, as well as the beautiful landscape (that we could still get nice glimpses of). All of the passengers stayed most of time inside, smart of them with this rain. After 3 hours of looking really carefully at the surface of the water to spot animals unfortunately luck was not on our side. I promise I did my best (at the price of my socks and cold hands!) In the end we gave complimentary tickets. We all still enjoyed our time at sea but sadly cant get them all.

- Melanie Magnan

bird species encountered

Northern fulmar, Common guillemot, herring gull, northern gannet, black legged kittiwake, razorbills, lesser and greater black back gull, eider duck