Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 09:00 and 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tours. Make sure to dress appropriately for the tours as it is always colder on sea than on land.



COVID-19: No restrictions are in place but passengers and crew are asked to ensure their own hygiene and safety at all times. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and using a hand sanitiser is advised. Mask use is optional.


Report from Eldey: Moody morning tour with an overcast sky, a very slight rain and just a little "warm" wind coming from the west. The swell was high, almost 2 meters, making the boat quite rocky. On our way out European shags came very close of the boat almost under the reach of our arms. We had a first sighting with 1-2 white-beaked dolphins that quickly disappeared. We did not look for them long because further out were two blows coming from a pair of humpback whales. It was Mariupol and Neila once again that were very relaxed in the bay, most of the time going for shallow dive, reappearing non far from were they dove, swimming slowly. They went once for a deeper dive and we could witness they tail coming out of the water. The whales had the visit of 2 white-beaked dolphins that seemed to be curious but that did not disturb the calm of the humpbacks. We left after a last nice surfacing and told goodbye to those baleen whales. During our way back we had another white-beaked dolphin following us, surfing in the waves. 

- Miquel Pons


Report from Eldey: We went out once more with similar weather and sea conditions, maybe slightly worst with a bit more rain, wind and swell. We tried to find the humpbacks from this morning but they were not visible in the area from this morning so we went further out. We were going to turn back to search closer to the land when another boat non far from us spotted them! It was the same pair of humpback whales than this morning, Mariupol and Neila. We approached carefully and stopped at a good distance, with the sea conditions we could not completely stop the engines so we wanted to keep some distance to make sure we don"t disturb the animals. But they decided differently. They came directly toward us to inspect the boat, basically circling us over and over, most of the time coming behind our boat like attracted by the engines. One of the humpbacks spy-hoped to check what was happening over the surface showing us its rostrum. Another time one of those majestic whales was on our right side and rolled under the surface showing its belly, the white pectoral fin like dancing in the ocean. Magical. When they took a bit of distance with us we moved away, it was unfortunately time to go back to Reykjavik. We saw them going for a last dive for a perfect goodbye.

- Miquel Pons

Bird species encountered today include:

Northern gannet, eider duck, black guillemot, common guillemot, razorbill, greater black-backed gull, herring gull, glaucous gull, European shag, sooty shearwater, black-headed gull