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Friday, 19 October 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out in beautiful weather and relatively calm seas. We saw three species of cetacean on this tour and many seabirds. We first got to see a Minke Whale which surfaced many times and close to the boat on a couple of those times but then went for a deep dive and didn´t surface again until we saw it very far in the distance, we tried to get closer again but it became very difficult to follow. Whilst we were waiting though we got to see a 2-3 Harbour Porpoises meters from the boat and playing in the swell of the sea, wonderful to watch. Then we saw lots of splashes far away, obviously splashes from White-beaked Dolphins. As we got closer though they stopped splashing and it became difficult for us to see them except for a few splashes and one or two leaps. Our favourite seabirds were the Gannets as they dove into the sea like a torpedo. Incredible. All in all a very nice tour.