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Sunday, 30 September 2012

Tour at 13:00Report from Elding: We sailed on out to Faxaflói in this windy afternoon, we were very exited after good tour this morning. There were lots of birds out on the bay this afternoon, diving Northern Gannets and Kittiwakes feeding in the surface. We slowed down the boat to take a better look in the area where so many birds were feeding. After a little while we saw the small and shy specie Harbour Porpoises coming to the surface. We got to see them few times before they made them disappear like they sometimes do. So we headed on and we had to search for a while before we spotted jumping White Beaked Dolphins in the distance. These turned out to be very playful dolphins, we could see some of them jumping completely out of the water so we could see their whole bodies! They were also very curious, coming close to the boat and we could see them coming and swimming under the boat. In the end it was time to head back to Reykjavík after this fun encounter with the dolphins. We did stop on the way back when we saw area with many birds again, but no luck there so back to Reykjavík we went.

Tour at 09:00Report from Elding: We headed out this morning in a beautiful weather and calm sea. We did not have to go far out before we saw our first Minke Whale of the tour. This was far from being the last Minke of the tour in the hole we saw three or four Minkes there in the same area! Some we saw closer than others and one swam right to us. It was a lovely encounter with this specie who might soon migrate back to the warmer waters.  After getting a very good look at these Minkes we sailed on a little further and after a bit of a looking we found a pod of White Beaked Dolphins. These dolphins were curious ones, coming close to the boat and we could see them swimming under the surface. After spending some time with the dolphins it was times for us to head back to Reykjavík.