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Saturday, 16 June 2012

Tour at 20:30

Report from Skrúður: The wind had picked up a bit when we headed out to search for the whales. We wanted to go far out this evening to search for the whales. But after only 20 minutes or so we saw that the wind was picking up a lot and we could not get further out. We searched in the area we were already in but the boat was rocking to much and the wind was just getting stronger. We saw no other option than to head back to the harbor as we don't take any chances when it comes to safety on board. Let's hope the wind will calm and we will see our passengers again in a better weather.

Tour at 1700

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was a little bit more rocky on this tour but still the sun was shining. We went first to the puffin island Akurey where we saw many puffins both on the island and as well on the sea. We went out in the bay and we were searching for the whales. We searched a very long time but unfortunately we could not find any whale. There were also not so many birds around us and the bay seemed very calm this evening. Suddenly we saw a minke whale just a few meters from the boat. We could see the blow but he appeared only 2 times and then he went for a long dive. We waited for a quite long time searched the area around the whole boat but unfortunately we did not spotted him again. We went back to the harbour and gave all passengers complimentary tickets.

Tour at 1400

Report from Elding; What a beautiful day to go whale watching the sea was a little choppy but the sun was on full beam and clear blue skies. First on the agenda for this tour was to visit Akurey puffin island and we were not disappointed. They were everywhere, we tried to count them but gave up after the first thousand. Then we headed further offshore but this time very very far out to see if we could find where most the whales have got too. They must of headed closer to Greenland because on this tour we only came across one Minke Whale which we only saw surface a couple of times and a small pod of about 3-5 Harbour Porpoises which were having fun surfing in the swells. Stunning day at sea but unfortunately lacking in whales. Lets hope things pick up soon.

Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather on our midday tour was comparable with our morning tour. So it was still very sunny, we could enjoy the landscape around us since we had a very clear view - but it was still quite windy and therefore the ship was a little bit rocky. It was going up and down but most of our passengers enjoyed it staying outside. Some harbour porpoises appeared in front of our boat, we could see them only a few seconds since they disappeared very quickly. Although we were searching very long we could not spot any other whales on this tour. Therefore we just enjoyed the sailing and invited our passengers on a second trip free of charge.

Tour at 1000

Report from Elding: The day started off sunny with a slight cold breeze which was actually very refreshing. We sailed out into Faxaflói Bay in the hope of spotting some of its incredible marinelife. We were very lucky on the way to spot a pod of about 7-10 White-beaked Dolphins which swam under and around our boat for a little while and then headed off to hunt before returning and swimming under and around our boat once again. It was amazing to watch them as they did this, especially as they have been difficult to follow on previous occasions. A couple of them also had some interestingly shaped dorsal fins and newly induced scars, making you wonder what had occured. The mysteries of wildlife. After some time we continued our adventure to try and spot other species but we had no luck and headed back to the harbour, after seeing the puffins at home, both disappointed for not seeing the larger whales but excited and happy to have got such a great encounter with the dolphins.

Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: Although it was very sunny this morning it was relatively windy outside the bay. Therefore our morning tour was a little bit rocky and the ship was going up and down. We had to go very far out and we were searching relatively long for the whales. Luckily almost at the end of our tour we found a group of white-beaked dolphins. We saw between 8 and 9 individuals and they swam quite a while in front of our boat. They were very good to see and also their white-grey body was visible. So we enjoyed these cute dolphins and on the way back we also stopped at the puffin island and enjoyed these cute birds as well.


Birds seen on todays tours include; Puffins, Common Guillemots, Gannets, Arctic Terns, Arctic Skuas, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Black-backed Gulls and Eider Ducks.