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Saturday, 5 May 2012

Tour at 1300

Report from Elding: Having high hopes after the morning tour we headed straight towards the same area again were we spotted so many Minke Whales in the morning. The weather was still great, the sky was clear and we had a lot of sun but still it was windy and the waves moved our vessel up and down. It took us a long time until we spotted the first group of Harbour Porpoises, as usual for the tiny shy species we just saw them a short time. But they seemed to be surfing in the waves, and we could see some of the under the surface several times. After that it took us a long time again until we found a second pod of Harbour Porpoises, we had a short look at. Unfortunately we could not find any bigger species even we searched in the whole area we saw them just a few hours before. Had to believe after this great morning but wild animals are unpredictable. To give everyone on board the chance to search for the bigger Whales again we gave complimentary tickets.

Report from Hafsulan: The weather was pretty much the same on the morning tour with choppy seas, unfortunetly the direction of the wind was unfavourable and on the way out you might of got a bit of a shower if you were sitting on the wrong side of the boat. We saw many Harbour Porpoises but you had to be quick to see them because they were there the next they we gone into the blue yonder of Faxaflói Bay. We searched and searched for Minke Whales but none were seen and so complimentary tickets were given. Its nature and as everyone knows nature in unpredicable so you have to take the bad with the good but lets tomorrow will be better in the afternoon tours.


Tour at 0900 Report from Elding: Knowing that it might be a bit choppy out in Faxaflói Bay today, we started our first tour good prepared in nice sunshine with some winds. On the way out we had the wind from the front, but as soon as we turned the boat it was much better. After we searched for a while we spotted our first Minke Whale of the tour, and it did not take us very long to recognize that there were quite a few around!! At least 5 or more individuals in the same area including one really small calve and some Harbour Porpoises. The calve was so sweet and really really small, might be just some months old or from the last year. Some of the older Minke Whales came very close to our boat not more than 5 meters away and several times one of them showed part of his/her head. A great morning with a lot of Minke Whales in brilliant weather with a bit a swell. Nice morning and great to be on the sea to visit the marine life around Iceland!!!

Report from Hafsulan: It was choppy out in the bay today which was fun for some not so fun for others but the sun was shining and the marine life numerous. We headed to our favourite place, an area of Faxaflói Bay which has been very busy with seabirds and whales the last week and again it didn´t disappoint. Many Harbour Porpoises porpoising, Gannets diving, Puffins flapping their wings at 100-400 beats/minute, Guillemots diving down, Kittiwakes skimming the surface and Fulmars well taking all that they can get. The Minke Whales were a lot of fun as they entertained the passengers stopping them, Over there, blow 12 o´clock and there too and 2 o´clock, the passengers and I were shouting. A couple of the Minke Whales were really enjoying the swells of the sea and each time a big swell came you could see the dark shadow of a Minke Whale in it. Thoughout the tour we saw at least 5-7 Minke Whales and even one of our regulars called Megan. Megan has been seen every year April, May time since 2010 and we have seen her/him alot over the last couple of days too. Its always so nice to see a Minke we know well.