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Saturday, 12 May 2012

Tour at 1300

After the morning tour we were exited if the Minke Whales might be easier to watch but before we headed further out into the bay we stopped again at Akurey too look at the Puffins. Once we came to the area were we usually spot whales we started the tour with a small pod of Harbor Porpoises. We did not spend a long time with them as we wanted to find a bigger species in this tour and this was a good decision. Not a long time after the porpoises we saw the first blow of a Minke Whale. This time we got a bit closer and saw it a few times but still it was challenging to follow. While waiting for the first Minke to surface again we spotted a second Minke Whale in a distance. We went to this individual and finally we found one we could stay with for a while. It was slow surfacing many times and we could hear the whales blow loud and clear. Getting curious about splashes further away we headed there as fast as possible and found White Beaked Dolphins again. Great to have three species in one tour!!! We stayed with them for quite a while and recognized that there were some Minke Whales in a distance at the same time. Amazing to have baleen and toothed whales in the same area. Before we left the Dolphins they came really close to us again. It seemed as if they wanted to check us out, diving under the boat and surfacing not more than 3 meters away!!!! Again it was the time that forced us to head towards Reykjavík but we had to stop once more on the half way back, as we encountered two more Minke Whales. We had a quick look at them before we finally headed back after a very productive tour in a calm and peaceful bay. On the way back a big group of Harbor Porpoises surfaced close to us so we had the same species in the end of the tour as we started with!!! Great day!


Tour at 0900

Starting with a little bit rain into the bay from the older harbour in Reykjavík we stopped on our way out at Akurey a small island in front of the capital. Akurey is one of the Puffin colonies and it is great to see them coming back to the cost after a long winter on the open ocean. Coming further out into Faxaflói Bay we saw a blow from far away. It was a Minke Whale but it surfaced only one more time and we could not get closer to it. After that our next stop were some Harbour Porpoises, the smallest and shiest cetaceans around Iceland. How great was it after that to encounter a pod of White Beaked Dolphins!!! They came incredible close to us, were diving under the boat and we could see them surfacing many times. There were individuals in all sizes and once we could see their whole bodies under the surface. As they seemed to head away from us we decided to leave them in peace and searched for a bigger species. It took us a bit until we spotted more White Beaked Dolphins this time jumping close to the boat. Great show!!! Just when we wanted to head on another Minke Whale surfaced, unfortunately again only two times. We searched for quite a while hoping to find a bigger Whale we could have a better look at but there where not more of them around. The time ran out and we had to sail back to the older harbor after great sighting of White Beaked Dolphins. A Dolphin Morning in front of Reykjavík!!!