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Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúla The wind had picked up a little bit this evening when we sailed out. The puffins were at home in Akurey when we took our stop there. We searched for a very long time now. We saw few harbour porpoises fast swimming away from us twice. The wind was blowing little harder now but we did not give up until we were back in Reykjavík harbour. Very disappointing tour!! Complimentary tickets were giving and we hope for a better luck tomorrow.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúla The weather was still nice this afternoon when we sailed out and the puffins were still at home. It took us some time again to find the whales after having just a glimpse at few harbour porpoises fast swimming away from us. Once we were out there we found a nice minke whale. This one was very actively feeding and it was coming up all around us! We stayed with this minke for the whole tour in a very nice weather.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúla We sailed out in a cold but very beautiful weather this morning. We headed straight out to Akurey to see if the puffins were at home. They were there so we could take a moment to observe these nice little birds. After the puffins we headed further out in search of the whales. It took us a little time until we saw our first minke whale. Soon we saw it was not alone, and we had a lot of minke whales all around us! This was very nice and we even had few diving gannets as well! Very nice tour in a beautiful weather.