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Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: After rough last few days we were finally out on sea again in beautiful weather and calm sea. We sailed out from Hafnarfjörður but ended our tour in Reykjavík so on the tour we searched over a big area. After a little while we spotted in the distance a very bi

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out in a little rain but calm sea and little wind, through the tour the sky cleared up and we got a very nice view of the snowy mountains around Faxaflói bay. The bay looked very promising today, lots of seabirds all around actively feeding in big gr

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out today from Reykjavík and ended the tour at Hafnafjörður. Once again it was a very beautiful day with stunning landscape and sun set but once again we were unsuccessful with the whales. It has been a very stressful time the last couple o

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out today from Reykjavik, there was some swell out there and it was also quite windy but once again the skies and the landscape was beautiful with the sun set and snow capped mountains. We found a large pod of Harbour Porpoises on this tour

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Elding: We sailed once again from Grindavík on a very windy day, however the land sheltered the sea from most the wind so that it was smooth that side of the penisula. The scenery and sunset was just stunning as we sailed first west and then east. Unfortunatel

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan; ORCA!! We sailed out today from Reykjavik and ended in Hafnafjörður and we were so happy we did. We sailed out in nice weather, a bit windy but compared to the previous days it was nothing. The sunset was just stunning and we even had a rainbow over

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Elding: We sailed out this time from our usual place (old harbour, Reykjvaik), the weather was lovely and calm, throughout the tour the sea was like a mirror and we only got a bit of drizzle at the end of the tour. It was also good in terms of cetaceans as we