Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out from Hafnarfjörður today. Visibility was pour and it was raining cats and dogs. After some searching we found a group of  White-beaked dolphins, maybe six animals. They came very close and swam along side us, even under the boat. After a while they disappeared

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    Tour at 13:00

    We are sorry but the trip today is cancelled due to bad weather.  The weather forecast for Saturday and Sunday looks better, we will decide if the weather is good enough or not before 11:00 on the departure day.

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    Tour 13.00

    We sailed out from Hafnarfjörður this early afternoon. Few minutes and we were already searching for whales, when all of a sudden some fins were spotted and few seconds after our happiness was immense when we discovered it was a large pod of Orcas (killer whales) what we were o

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    Tour at 13:00

    We set out this afternoon from Reykjavík, and we had to sail quite far out today. Then finally we spotted some White-beaked dolphins. But they disappeared very quickly. Then we went further out. After a while we spotted second group of White-beaked dolphins. It was very diff

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out from Hafnarfjörður today. The weather was very nice, little bit cold and some wind. The sun was shining on the snow covered mountains on Reykjanes peninsula. In the beginning we spotted a big group of Harbor porpoises. They were shimming fast and the group was

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again we sailed out from Hafnarfjörður harbour like yesterday in very nice weather, calm sea, little wind but pretty cold day. We were heading straight out to the area were we spotted the humpback whales yesterday. After sailing for some time we saw some blow in the distance

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    Tour at 13:00

    We sailed out from Hafnarfjörður today in nice weather, little wind and some snow showers. After some sailing we found some Harbour porpoises but they left us so we headed further out. We had to sail one more hour before we spotted blows from two Humpback whales. They did no

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    Tour 13:00

    A very good time with clear sky and relatively calm sea. We sailed out from Hafnarfjörður and tour the bay. We had our first sighting very close with an unexpected couple of Minke whales. Then we sailed further to meet a large pod of white-beaked dolphins, at least 30. We then

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    Tour at 13:00

    It was a beautiful day today, little bit windy but good. We sailed out from Reykjavík and headed towards Keflavík and the area where the Humpback whale was spotted yesterday. After sailing for about an hour and half we then spotted it, it was not only one of them today but t

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    Tour 13:00

    We had a very good weather today. Sea was clam and there was almost no wind. Perfect conditions for a whale-watching. We left from Keflavik and had our main sighting just less than 4 nautical miles from the coast. We had first spotted a very large pod of white-beaked dolphins.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Unfortunately we have to cancel the tour today. The wind is to strong and it will even increase more during the day.

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    Tour at 13:00

    We sailed out from Hafnarfjörður today. The wind was very strong and the sea quite rough so we sailed towards Keflavík with the wind coming from behind. Also the Humpback Whale from yesterday was last spotted close to Keflavík. Unfortunately we didn't see it today but when w

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    Tour at 13:00

    It was a rough tour today. We sailed out on the bay to try to find a Humpback Whale which was tagged with a gps transmitter by the Icelandic marine research institute. It turned out to be more difficult than we had hoped. We got a new fix on the whale twice during the tour b

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    Tour at 13:00

    Unfortunately we had to cancel the tour today. It is too windy and the wind will increase later today.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Very sunny but little bit cold day and nice calm sea. First we spotted one group of White-beaked dolphins. That group was not in a good whale watching mood so we went further out. And suddenly we spotted some splashes in a distance from jumping dolphins. Some of them came ve

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    Tour at 13:00

    Due to bad weather we are forced to cancel tour at 13:00 today. We remind all about the Imagine Peace Tower tours every night at 20:00 from Oct 9th - Dec 8th. Booking before 18:00 o'clock through phone 555 3565 or here:

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we had a very nice winter whale watching day. The sea was calm and no wind. We had sailed for some time when we spotted a blow from a whale. But it took us some time to find the whale. It was a Minke whale. Good to know that they are not all gone. We saw the whale surf

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we had a perfect whale watching weather, calm sea and some beautiful sunshine. We had to search for a long time before we spotted something. Suddenly, a Minke whale surfaced a 50 m. in front of the boat. The whale appeared to go under the boat and surfaced again 200 m.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we went out from Keflavík because of bad sea conditions.  We had shelter from the land in the beginning and then the wind behind us on our way to Reykjavík. There was a bit of swell from the previous night. First we saw some White-beaked dolphins in the distance jumpin

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    Tour at 13:00

    We had warned out passengers about rough weather out on the bay, but as it turned out the weather was not so bad at all. Soon we spotted some Harbour porpoises but just for few seconds before they disappeared again. Then suddenly a Minke whale surfaced very close to the boat