Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00

    Very sunny but little bit cold day and nice calm sea. First we spotted one group of White-beaked dolphins. That group was not in a good whale watching mood so we went further out. And suddenly we spotted some splashes in a distance from jumping dolphins. Some of them came ve

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    Tour at 13:00

    Due to bad weather we are forced to cancel tour at 13:00 today. We remind all about the Imagine Peace Tower tours every night at 20:00 from Oct 9th - Dec 8th. Booking before 18:00 o'clock through phone 555 3565 or here:

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we had a very nice winter whale watching day. The sea was calm and no wind. We had sailed for some time when we spotted a blow from a whale. But it took us some time to find the whale. It was a Minke whale. Good to know that they are not all gone. We saw the whale surf

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we had a perfect whale watching weather, calm sea and some beautiful sunshine. We had to search for a long time before we spotted something. Suddenly, a Minke whale surfaced a 50 m. in front of the boat. The whale appeared to go under the boat and surfaced again 200 m.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we went out from Keflavík because of bad sea conditions.  We had shelter from the land in the beginning and then the wind behind us on our way to Reykjavík. There was a bit of swell from the previous night. First we saw some White-beaked dolphins in the distance jumpin

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    Tour at 13:00

    We had warned out passengers about rough weather out on the bay, but as it turned out the weather was not so bad at all. Soon we spotted some Harbour porpoises but just for few seconds before they disappeared again. Then suddenly a Minke whale surfaced very close to the boat

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    Tour at 13:00

    We sailed from Hafnarfjörður harbour this afternoon and had some really strong winds pushing us out towards our whale watching grounds. We sailed for the whole 3 hours searching a really large area but unfortunately were not able to find any whales or dolphins. The captain s

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    Tour at 13:00

    This afternoon the sea state was much worse. We sailed a really long time and just found one single white-beaked dolphin which surfaced a couple of times around the boat but then disappeared. Quite strange to see this dolphin alone, and even more strange that we have seen so

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    Tour at 13:00

    This afternoon the forecast didn't look too good, but as we sailed out it turned out that the weather was much better than expected! The sea was pretty calm and we had some excellent visibility. In spite of the great conditions we weren't able to spot any Minke whales. Towar

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    Tour at 13:00

    We had to sail quite far out today. The sea was calm but it was raining a lot. We spotted three groups of White-beaked dolphins but very different groups. First one was very active, jumbing out of the water and swimming very close to the boat. We spent much time with them an

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    Tour at 13:00

    A nice trip out there on the bay today. We had some beautiful weather and a very calm sea. We didn’t have to go out too far today before we came across a Minke whale calmly surfacing close to the boat. It even swam underneath the boat and came up on the other side! In this a

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    Tour at 13:00

    Data missing

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    Tour at 13:00

    Tour cancelled due to unfavourable weather conditions.

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    Tour at 13:00

    We had luck again today. Good weather and good sea conditions. We encountered Minke whales about three of them and they came close to the boat and surfaced several times. Three groups of White-beaked dolphins, some close some further away. And on the way back we spotted the

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    Tour at 13:00

    Calm seas, hardly any wind and conditions as good as they come. We had sailed about 40 minutes when we spotted the first group of White-beaked dolphins. We stayed with them for a while. They surfaced slowly and some of them even swam under the bout. They were obviously feedi

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    Tour at 13:00

    We had some beautiful weather and excellent visibility today. We could see the glacier, Snæfellsjökull, really well in the distance, snow covered and very beautiful. The sea was nice and calm but in spite of the perfect conditions, we weren't able to find any whales! We spot

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    Tour at 13:00

    We had a nice calm sea this afternoon as we headed out on the bay. We had to sail very far out this afternoon but we were able to spot a couple of Minke whales in one area. The first surfaced very close to the boat a few times but then disappeared and we spotted another Mink

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we went out from Keflavík harbour because of bad sea conditions.  We saw twice a glimpse of a Minke Whale but after that we found nothing for a while. At last a group of White-beaked dolphins entertained us for some time. We ended the tour in Reykjavik without seeing a

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out on the bay today with a little bit of wind but it was raining a lot and there were some swells. We approached the area where we usually spot the whales and found some White-beaked dolphins. They were not in a very good whale watching mood and disappeared soon.

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    Tour at 13:00

    We sailed from Keflavík harbour this afternoon and were quite optimistic because of the nice tour the previous day. It was very different though! The sea was very rough, much rougher than we had expected, but we sailed out to look for the whales. In the area where we had spo